Quantum Mathematical Physics: A Bridge between Mathematics and Physics by Felix Finster , Johannes Kleiner , Christian Röken , Jürgen Tolksdorf in pdf
this is the book Quantum Mathematical Physics: A Bridge between Mathematics and Physics in pdf written by Felix Finster , Johannes Kleiner , Christian Röken , Jürgen Tolksdorf, published by Birkhäuser, 2016 of professors of science faculties universities .
Information about the book
Language of the book: English language
Book Title: Quantum Mathematical Physics: A Bridge between Mathematics and Physics
Scriptwriter: by Felix Finster , Johannes Kleiner , Christian Röken , Jürgen Tolksdorf
Year of printing: Birkhäuser, 2016
File Format:PDF
Number of chapters: 6 CHAPTER
Number of chapters: 6 CHAPTER
Number of pages: 532 pages
File Size: 3,20 MB
On the Spin-Statistics Connection in Curved Spacetimes
Is There a C-Function in 4D Quantum Einstein Gravity?
Systematic Renormalization at all Orders in the DiffRen
and Improved Epstein–Glaser Schemes
Higgs Mechanism and Renormalization Group Flow: Are
They Compatible?
Hadamard States From Null Infinity
Local Thermal Equilibrium States in Relativistic Quantum
Field Theory
Categorical Methods in Quantum Field Theory
A Solvable Four-Dimensional QFT
Wave Equations with Non-commutative Space and Time
Thermal Equilibrium States for Quantum Fields
on Non-commutative Spacetimes
Kinematical Foundations of Loop Quantum Cosmology
Cosmic Puzzles: Dark Matter and Dark Energy ering in Non-relativistic Quantum
Avoiding Ultraviolet Divergence by Means
of Interior–Boundary Conditions
Causal Fermion Systems: An Overview
A Perspective on External Field QED
Super Riemann Surfaces and the Super Conformal Action Functional
Recent Developments in Deformation Quantization
Dirac’s Point Electron in the Zero-Gravity Kerr–Newman World
Noncommutative Geometry and the Physics of the LHC Era
Variational Stability and Rigidity of Compact Einstein Manifolds
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