Hello everyone, you are welcome to science, The purpose of this website is to help students at the higher level of studies in Bachelors - Masters
this site contains courses, videos, Exercises and Corrected Examinations free books in PDF format in addition there are also Tests of Competitions for access to Masters
for all fields of physics, math, chemistry, biology, geology
we wish you good luck
: Training
Material Sciences, Physics and Chemistry (SMPC): S1 & S2-
Physical Matter Sciences (SMP): S1 to S6-
Material Sciences Chemistry (SMC): S1 to S6-
Life and Earth Sciences (SVTU): S1 & S2-
Life Sciences (SVI): S1 to S6-
Earth and Universe Sciences (STU): S1 to S6-
Mathematical, Computer and Applied Sciences (SMAI): S1 & S2-
Professor and blogger interested in the field of science and computing has a channel on Youtube and a page on Facebook , specializing in chemistry and physics