Physics of Rotating Fluids by Christoph Egbers , Gerd Pfister in pdf
this is the book Physics of Rotating Fluids in pdf written by Christoph Egbers , Gerd Pfister, published by springer, 2000 of professors of science faculties universities .
Information about the book
Language of the book: English language
Book Title: Physics of Rotating Fluids
Scriptwriter: by Christoph Egbers , Gerd Pfister
Year of printing: springer, 2000
File Format:PDF
Number of chapters: 23 CHAPTER
Number of chapters: 23 CHAPTER
Number of pages: 440 pages
File Size: 20,99 MB
Pitchfork bifurcations in small aspect ratio Taylor-Couette flow
Taylor-Couette system with asymmetric boundary conditions
Bifurcation and structure of flow between counter-rotating cylinders
Spiral vortices and Taylor vortices in the annulus between counter-rotating cylinders
Stability of time-periodic flows in a Taylor-Couette geometry
Low-dimensional dynamics of axisymmetric modes in wavy Taylor vortex flow
Spatiotemporal intermittency in Taylor-Dean and Couette-Taylor systems
Axial effects in the Taylor—Couette problem: Spiral—Couette and Spiral—Poiseuille flows
Stability and experimental velocity field in Taylor—Couette flow with axial and radial flow
Transport phenomena in magnetic fluids in cylindrical geometry
Secondary bifurcations of stationary flows
Taylor vortices at different geometries
Spherical Couette flow
Isothermal spherical Couette flow
Vortical structures and velocity fluctuations of spiral and wavy vortices in the spherical Couette Flow
Spherical Couette flow with superimposed throughflow
Three-dimensional natural convection in a narrow spherical shell
Magnetohydrodynamic flows in spherical shells
Intermittency at onset of convection in a slowly rotating, self-gravitating spherical shell
Goertler vortices and curved surfaces
Control of secondary instability of the crossflow and Görtler-like vortices (Success and problems)
Higher order dynamics of baroclinic waves
Plane Couette flow
Superfluid Couette flow
Tertiary and quaternary solutions for plane Couette flow with thermal stratification
On the rotationally symmetric laminar flow of Newtonian fluids induced by rotating disks.
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