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mardi 26 septembre 2023

Quantum Field Theory I: Basics in Mathematics and Physics by Eberhard Zeidler in pdf

 Quantum Field Theory I: Basics in Mathematics and Physics by Eberhard Zeidler in pdf

this is the book Quantum Field Theory I: Basics in Mathematics and Physics in pdf written  by Eberhard Zeidler , published by springer ,2006  of professors of  science faculties  universities  .
Information about the book

Language of the book: English language

Book Title: Quantum Field Theory I: Basics in Mathematics and Physics

Scriptwriter: by Eberhard Zeidler

Year of printing:   springer ,2006

File Format:PDF

Number of chapters: 

Number of pages: 1076 pages

File Size: 102,90 MB



Historical Introduction

Phenomenology of the Standard Model for Elementary Particles

The Challenge of Different Scales in Nature

Basic Techniques in Mathematics

A Glance at Topology

Many-Particle Systems in Mathematics and Physics

Rigorous Finite-Dimensional Magic Formulas of Quantum Field Theory

Rigorous Finite-Dimensional Perturbation Theory

Fermions and the Calculus for Grassmann Variables

Infinite-Dimensional Hilbert Spaces

Distributions and Green’s Functions

Distributions and Physics

Heuristic Magic Formulas of Quantum Field Theory
Basic Strategies in Quantum Field Theory

The Response Approach

The Operator Approach

Peculiarities of Gauge Theories

A Panorama of the Literature

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