Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics For Solid State Electronics and Optics by Chung Liang Tang in pdf
this is the book Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics For Solid State Electronics and Optics in pdf written by Chung Liang Tang, published by Cambridge University Press, 2009 of professors of science faculties universities .
Information about the book
Language of the book: English language
Book Title: Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics For Solid State Electronics and Optics
Scriptwriter: by Chung Liang Tang
Year of printing: Cambridge University Press, 2009
File Format:PDF
Number of chapters: 11 CHAPTER
Number of chapters: 11 CHAPTER
Number of pages: 221 pages
File Size: 2,07 MB
1 Classical mechanics vs. quantum mechanics
2 Basic postulates and mathematical tools
3 Wave/particle duality and de Broglie waves
4 Particles at boundaries, potential steps, barriers, and in quantum wells
5 The harmonic oscillator and photons
6 The hydrogen atom
7 Multi-electron ions and the periodic table
8 Interaction of atoms with electromagnetic radiation
9 Simple molecular orbitals and crystalline structures
10 Electronic properties of semiconductors and the p-n junction
11 The density matrix and the quantum mechanic Boltzmann equation
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