Practical Quantum Mechanics: Modern Tools and Applications by Efstratios Manousakis in pdf
this is the book Practical Quantum Mechanics: Modern Tools and Applications in pdf written by Efstratios Manousakis, published by Oxford University Press, 2016 of professors of science faculties universities .
Information about the book
Language of the book: English language
Book Title: Practical Quantum Mechanics: Modern Tools and Applications
Scriptwriter: by Efstratios Manousakis
Year of printing: Oxford University Press, 2016
File Format:PDF
Number of chapters: 31 CHAPTER
Number of chapters: 31 CHAPTER
Number of pages: 348 pages
File Size: 3,58 MB
1 Schr ̈odinger equation on a lattice
2 Dirac notation
3 Back to the Schr ̈odinger equation on a lattice
4 Operator mechanics
5 Time evolution and wavepackets
6 Simultaneous observables
7 Continuity equation and wavefunction properties
8 Bound states in one dimension
9 Scattering in one dimension
10 Periodic potentials
11 The harmonic oscillator
12 WKB approximation
13 Quantum mechanics and path integrals
14 Applications of path integrals
15 Angular momentum
16 Bound states in spherically symmetric potentials
17 The hydrogen-like atom
18 Angular momentum and spherical symmetry
19 Scattering in three dimensions
20 Time-independent perturbation expansion
21 Applications of perturbation theory
22 Time-dependent Hamiltonian
23 Spin angular momentum
24 Adding angular momenta
25 Identical particles
26 Elementary atomic physics
27 Molecules
28 The elasticity field
29 Quantization of the free electromagnetic field
30 Interaction of radiation with charged particles
31 Elementary relativistic quantum mechanics
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