Engineering Materials 1 An Introduction to Properties, Applications and Design 3rd Edition David R.H. Jones, Michael Ashby in pdf
this is the book Engineering Materials 1 An Introduction to Properties, Applications and Design 3rd Edition in pdf written by David R.H. Jones, Michael Ashby. published by elsevier , 2005 of professors of science faculties universities .
Information about the book
Language of the book: English language
Book Title: Engineering Materials 1 An Introduction to Properties, Applications and Design 3rd Edition
Scriptwriter: by David R.H. Jones, Michael Ashby
Year of printing: elsevier , 2005
File Format:PDF
Number of chapters: 31 CHAPTER
Number of chapters: 31 CHAPTER
Number of pages: 439 pages
File Size: 3,20MB
1. Engineering materials and their properties
A. Price and availability
2. The price and availability of materials
B. The elastic moduli
3. The elastic moduli
4. Bonding between atoms
5. Packing of atoms in solids
6. The physical basis of Young’s modulus
7. Case studies in modulus-limited design
C. Yield strength, tensile strength and ductility
8. The yield strength, tensile strength and ductility
9. Dislocations and yielding in crystals
10. Strengthening methods, and plasticity of polycrystals
11. Continuum aspects of plastic flow
12. Case studies in yield-limited design
D. Fast fracture, brittle fracture and toughness
13. Fast fracture and toughness
14. Micromechanisms of fast fracture
15. Case studies in fast fracture
16. Probabilistic fracture of brittle materials
E. Fatigue failure
17. Fatigue failure
18. Fatigue design
19. Case studies in fatigue failure
F. Creep deformation and fracture
20. Creep and creep fracture
21. Kinetic theory of diffusion
22. Mechanisms of creep, and creep-resistant materials
23. The turbine blade — a case study in creep-limited design
G. Oxidation and corrosion
24. Oxidation of materials
25. Case studies in dry oxidation
26. Wet corrosion of materials
27. Case studies in wet corrosion
H. Friction, abrasion and wear
28. Friction and wear
29. Case studies in friction and wear
I. Designing with metals, ceramics, polymers and composites
30. Design with materials
31. Final case study: materials and energy in car design
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