book Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry: Applications, Theory, and Instrumentation Volumes S1 - S3 in pdf
this is the book of Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry: Applications, Theory, and Instrumentation Volumes S1 - S3 in pdf written by Robert A. Meyers
published by Wiley Education, 2001 of professors of science faculties universities .
published by Wiley Education, 2001 of professors of science faculties universities .
Information about the book
Language of the book: English language
Book Title: Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry:Applications, Theory, and Instrumentation
Scriptwriter: by Robert A. Meyers
Year of printing: by Wiley Education, 2001
File Format:PDF
Number of chapters: 23 chapters
Number of chapters: 23 chapters
Number of pages: 14484 pages
File Size: 186,00MB
Supplementary Volume 1
Biomedical Spectroscopy.
Biomolecules Analysis.
Clinical Chemistry.
Environment: Water and Waste.
Field-portable Instrumentation.
Forensic Science.
Liquid Chromatography.
Nucleic Acids Structure and Mapping.
Peptides and Proteins.
Pharmaceuticals and Drugs.
Polymers and Rubbers.
Process Instrumental Methods.
Supplementary Volume 2.
Atomic Spectroscopy.
Electroanalytical Methods.
Electronic Absorption and Luminescence.
Infrared Spectroscopy.
Mass Spectrometry.
Supplementary Volume 3.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy.
Nuclear Methods.
Raman Spectroscopy.
X-Ray Spectrometry.
General Articles.
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