book Atkins’ Physical Chemistry in pdf
This is the book of Atkins’ Physical Chemistry in pdf of professors University.
by Peter Atkins (Professor of Chemistry, University of Oxford and fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford) and Julio De Paula (Professor and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon)
Information about the book
Language of the book: English language
Book Title:
Atkins’ Physical Chemistry
Scriptwriter: by Peter Atkins
File Format: PDF
Number of chapters: 3 Part
Number of pages: 1097 pages
File Size: 216 MB
PART 1 Equilibrium 1
1 The properties of gases 3
2 The First Law 28
3 The Second Law 76
4 Physical transformations of pure substances 117
5 Simple mixtures 136
6 Phase diagrams 174
7 Chemical equilibrium 200
PART 2 Structure 241
8 Quantum theory: introduction and principles 243
9 Quantum theory: techniques and applications 277
10 Atomic structure and atomic spectra 320
11 Molecular structure 362
12 Molecular symmetry 404
13 Molecular spectroscopy 1: rotational and vibrational spectra 430
14 Molecular spectroscopy 2: electronic transitions 481
15 Molecular spectroscopy 3: magnetic resonance 513
16 Statistical thermodynamics 1: the concepts 560
17 Statistical thermodynamics 2: applications 589
18 Molecular interactions 620
19 Materials 1: macromolecules and aggregates 652
20 Materials 2: the solid state 697
PART 3 Change 745
21 Molecules in motion 747
22 The rates of chemical reactions 791
23 The kinetics of complex reactions 830
24 Molecular reaction dynamics 869
25 Processes at solid surfaces